
Usually, when developing and debugging an addin with RevitAPI, user has to close & re-open Revit each time he/she modifies the addin code and wants to re-compile. But with Add-In Manager, user can modify and run the addin directly without closing & re-opening Revit again and again.

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The product will be expanded in the future in process to support mutiple platform :

Some feature include:

  • Add-in tester
  • Add-in manager

    • AddInManagerFaceless
    • AddInManagerManual
    • AddInManagerReadOnly
    • Application
  • Startup manager
  • Quick create .addin and load to Revit
  • Clear Cache saved in temp folder
  • Quick remove an Add-in not used in working process

Add-In Manager



  • AddInManagerManual
  • AddInManagerFaceless
  • AddInManagerReadOnly


  • Preview
  • Save And Load Application .Addin



  • Show info all add-in installed in computer include all Add-in from Autodesk.
  • Enable or Disable Add-in.


Please follow last release at section Release


You can visit to wiki and read document or access by this link.

Some topic common:


Originally implemented by Autodesk with platform Windows Forms and now it maintain by ChuongHo with platform WPF and add more feature to fit with the progressive development of modern technology. His focus is to work smarter and achieve the most effective practices to enhance data utilization and digital collaboration among AEC parties.


This sample is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. Please see the License file for full details.

Credit to for the Revit Add-in Manager icons.

© 2010 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. All use of this Software is subject to the terms and conditions of the Autodesk End User License Agreement accepted upon installation of this Software and/or packaged with the Software.


Add-In Manager is an open-source project and would be nothing without its community. You can make suggestions or track and submit bugs via Github issues. You can submit your own code to the Add-In Manager project via a Github pull request.

Many Thanks all contributors for this repository. Feel free to contribute! Please refer to the CONTRIBUTING for details.


Thanks to JetBrains for providing licenses for Rider and dotUltimate tools, which both make open-source development a real pleasure!


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